3,030 items found
The Military Department of Indiana
Art Exhibit and Auction
Cocktails at the Columbia Club Crystal Terrace Cafe, December 9, 1984
IUPUI Center for Economic Education Reception and Dinner, December 12, 1984
Methodist Health Foundation and Asbury Management Open House, October 4, 1984
A Tribute To Angus Nicoson
Partners 2000 Kickoff Reception and Program, March 7, 1985
Invitation to the Second Annual NBA College Draft
Mrs. Jack Teegarden to Mayor Hudnut, July 26, 1977
Mrs. Henry O. Hebert to Mrs. Hudnut, July 20, 1977
Car Craft Magazine 11th Annual All-Star Drag Racing Team Banquest
Invitation To Special Preview Of Diamond Jubilee 1978 Products
Invitation To FBI Steak Fry
Invitation To B-J's Stout World
Invitation To Visit Airport Inns
First Annual Indianapolis Colts Awards Banquet, December 13, 1984
Invitation to a Champagne and Hors D'oeuvres Followed by a Buffet and Entertainment
Invitation to The Spirit of Indianapolis Reception and Buffet
Invitation to Dave's 40th Surprise Birthday Party
Invitation to the Awards Ceremony of Cathedral Arts' 1984 "A Nightclub Under the Stars"