Carter, Jimmy
76 items found
Lincoln Days -- Core Notecards
The Big Problem Notecards
Mayor Hudnut Chides Carter on Oil Import Fee
Indianapolis Mayor Condemns 'Dangerous' Carter Policies
Mayor Hudnut Compares Indiana-Federal Governments
From Raymond J Harrod, August 1979
Steven Beering to Keith Bulen, January 31, 1991
Fundraising for the County Party
From Milton M. Mitnick, February 8, 1978
Disaster Bulletin, January 29
The White House, Statement by the President
Mayor Hudnut to Jerry Chapman, January 31, 1978
The White House Fact Sheet
Untitled Speech
From Dick Lugar, March 19, 1980
Wire Radio 1430 Indianapolis
1982 Indiana Republican Platform_Draft
Harrison Schmitt to Mayor Hudnut, September 1, 1980
Partners in Politics The Press, Private Lives and Politicans
W. Marvin Tatum to Jimmy Carter, February 22, 1978