Tax Credits
189 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Andrew Jacobs Jr., August 14, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Joseph S. Sexton, November 19, 1986
Ron Miller to John Ryan, John Krauss, and Joseph Slash, February 8, 1984
House Bill 1217, February 3, 1984
Fact Sheet on HB 1217, February 7, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to W. Douglas McKnight, June 25, 1986
John Ryan to Karen Little, May 25, 1984
Elton H. Geshwiler to Harry E. Eakin, May 22, 1984
Beech Grove, Indiana, Resolution #12, 1984
An Ordinance of the Marion County Income Tax Council Increasing the Percentage Credit Allowed for Homesteads
Summary of HB 1217 as Adopted by the General Assembly: Property Tax Control Amendments
HB 1217: Property Tax Levy Increase of 5% Allowed
Income Tax Notes, April 11, 1984
Summary of Alternatives: Alternative, Tax Levies, Income Tax, Cumul. Fds., Homestead Cred., 1985 Additional Revenue
Mayor Hudnut to John L. Krauss, June 14, 1988
Lawrence M. Borst to Stephen H. Stoughton, June 8, 1976
Paul S. Grogan to Mayor Hudnut, September 3, 1991
Mayor Hudnut's Public Appearance Schedule for Week of November 13, 1989
Regarding Proposed Dinosaur Legislation
Chris Glancy to M.D. Higbee, July 28, 1988