57 items found
Explanation of Penalty Provisions and Procedures in the Indiana Code
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice
Faye I. Mowery to Donald Euratte, January 28, 1994
Donald L. Euratte to Faye I. Mowery, February 17, 1994
Christian J. Litscher to Thomas G. Hasbrook, November 25, 1968
Jane Hunt Davis to Alan R. Kimbell, October 2, 1968
Arthur E. Riley to Phyllis Cockram, February 24, 1972
Thomas O. Cartmel to Alan R. Kimbell
Municipal Corporations
James H. Mosby and William D. Hall to the City of Indianapolis, February 20, 1970
Warning of Violation of State Statute
President Nixon's "National Land Use Policy Act of 1971," S 992.
Rogers C. B. Morton to Carl Albert, February 11, 1971
Chapter 223 1985 Replacement Part, City Improvements and Works Generally
Frederic C. Treidell to Mary Ann Pahud, July 18, 1988
Priority I
Frederic C. Treidell to John L. Krauss, September 26, 1988
Franco-American Association Of Sister Cities; Statutes
Stephen Goldsmith to Mayor Hudnut, August 24, 1977, Re: Power of Mayor to Request Authority from Sheriff
Murrill M. Lowry to Donald Gilman, August 25, 1977