U.S. Open Clay Court Championships
199 items found
Minutes from U.S. Open Clay Court Championships, Inc. Meeting
U.S. Clay Courts, Indianapolis, Indiana
Vaughn D. Bryson to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1985
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 2324, 1983
Vaughn D. Bryson to Thomas W. Binford and Others, June 17, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to J. Randolph Gregson, June 6, 1985
The World Comes to Play in Indianapolis
Tom Sams to Board of Drectors, U.S. Clay Cour Championships, Inc., May 1, 1985
Stan Malless to Board of Directors, USTA, August 3, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Stan Malless, July 1, 1987
Minutes from U.S. Open Clay Court Championships, Inc. Meeting
Mayor Hudnut to William R. Howell, April 26, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to William R. Howell, March 29, 1985
Keith Shake to Mark B. Miles, April 29, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Terry S. Prindiville, April 29, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Terry S. Prindiville, May 1, 1985
Terry S. Prindiville to Mayor Hudnut, April 8, 1985
Lisa A. Whitney to Stephen E. DeVoe, March 29, 1985
Vaughn Bryson to Thomas W. Binford and Others, March 13, 1985
Thomas Howard Sams to Mayor Hudnut, March 26, 1985