96 items found
Written by Philip R. Blowers Congressional Record
Michigan Slater's: Anthropology 152, M. Bloom
Indiana Academy Indianapolis Museum of Art and Woostock Club
Butler University Notebook/ Owned By Lynn Bloom
Lynn B. Bloom, 608 E. 45, Indianapolis, Ind. 46201
Genre Writing/Writers Seminars
From Ann Woolman, May 17, 1989
Report on the Midwest Travel Writers Association, Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, March 29 - April 2, 1989
Gene A. Slaymaker to Mayor Hudnut, December 5, 1980
Art Strong to John Lyst, June 29, 1989
Franz Arthur Strong to John Lyst, January 27, 1988
Good News of the People of God at Christ Church Cathedral, April 17, 1983
Panther in the Sky Talk
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, to Mary Ann Pahud, February 23, 1983
Mayor Honors Indiana Black Expo Essay Winners
Patricial A. Logan to Republican Mayor, April 24, 1984
Jo Fisher to Mayor Hudnut, June 25, 1984
ICVA Travel Writers Getaway Weekend Program
Travel Writers Getaway Weekend Responses
Jo Fisher to Mayor Hudnut, June 1, 1984