735 items found
Manpower Commission, Black Expo, Img. 2
Manpower Commission, Black Expo, Img. 3
Man Sitting at Desk
Lugar Speaks to Manpower Women's Task Force, Img. 1
Mayor Lugar to William F. Anderson, May 22, 1973
Floyd H. Hyde to Mayor Lugar, December 28, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Mrs. Ralph H. Furst, December 21, 1973
Herb Hill to Mayor Lugar, February 19, 1974
Herb Hill to Mayor Lugar, March 18, 1974
Donald L. Spaid to Jesse L. Carter, January 22, 1973
Betty Furst to Mayor Lugar, January 4, 1975
Betty Furst to Mayor Lugar, July 16, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Charles L. Humphries, June 18, 1975
Gerald H. Greves to Mayor Lugar, October 2, 1974
More Jobs Top Priority, Lugar Says as Unemployment in Indianapolis Drops
Lugar Position Paper, Unemployment and Welfare, 1974
OMDT Journal: Volume 1, Number 2
Indiana Labor Market Information: October 1971
Indiana Work Force, Employment, and Unemployment; Hours and Gross Earnings
Draft of Keynote Address to the 1968 Indiana Republican Convention