Water Supply
124 items found
Comparison of Highland Lake with Alternative Multiple-Purpose Projects
Memo to Mayor Lugar
The MDC-40 Years of Dynamic Growth and a Look to the Future
Thomas F. Malone to Mayor Lugar, July 10, 1975
Harvey A. Greene to Richard G. Lugar, February 14, 1973
Robert L. Parr to Thomas C. Hasbrook, May 17, 1971
Lewis S. Finch to Honorable Richard Lugar, Feb. 26, 1970
Kurt Pronske to Bruce McDonell, December 11, 1970
Preliminary Study of Fall Creek, June 26, 1969
William I. Spencer to Roberts E. Ehrgott, February 23, 1970
Multistate Regionalism in the Federal System
Wallace E. Lloyd to Mayor Hudnut, March 11, 1976
Marvin Tucker to Mayor Hudnut, January 10, 1984, Marked
Paula Parker-Sawyer to Mr. Aguirre, July 13, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Gordon G. Gilmer, January 21, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Barbara Gole, February 11, 1986
David Hoppock to Mayor Hudnut, May 8, 1978
Indiana Water Pollution Control Association Speech
From Robert B. Hilbert
Kristie L. Hill to Mayor Hudnut, July 24, 1990