The Hudnut Years
75 items found
Suggested Outline for a Book on the Hudnut Years
Teresa Bennett to Hudnut Book Authors, October 6, 1992
Accomplishments of the Hudnut Years, August 1, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Cindy Higbee, March 21, 1994
Citations, Duckworth, Robert P.
Mayor Hudnut to Cindy Higbee, March 21, 1994
Mayor Hudnut to Cindy Higbee, March 21, 1994
Citations, September 9, 1985
Last Chapter--The Hudnut Years
Ch. # Final Thoughts
Outline -- Preconditions of the Takeoff
George W. Geib to Mayor Hudnut, June 6, 1991
Urban Leadership and Civic Management
Accomplishments of the Hudnut Years
Accomplishments of the Hudnut Years_Small Format