260 items found
IUPUI Women's Softball Team
Mayor Hudnut Pitching Softball
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 11
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 12
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 13
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut at GOP vs. Demo Softball Game, August 12, 1983, Img. 9
Mayor Hudnut at Softball Press Conference, July 26, 1984, Img. 14
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 12, with Joe Wynns
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 13, with Joe Wynns
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 14, with Mayor Hudnut
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 17, with Mayor Hudnut
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 19, with Gordon G. Gilmer
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 20, with Joseph A. Slash
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 21
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 22, with Mayor Hudnut
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 26
Peace Games Softball Game, August 11, 1984, Img. 27