Vietnam War Veterans
103 items found
Jobs for Veterans National Advisory Committee
Statement by the President, April 12, 1971
D.J. Guzzetta to Mayor Lugar, April 15, 1971
Statement by the President, October 15, 1970_Large Text
James S. Whitfield to Stuart F. Feldman, April 29, 1971
Suggested Training Outline for Volunteers Directly Involved in "Reaching Out" to the Vietnam Veteran
Suggested Proclamation
Proclamation "Because We Care Day"
Noel C. Woosley to AMVETS VAVS Representiatives, Department Commanders, Department Executive Directors, February 17, 1994
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Names
Congressman Hudnut, Bob Hope, and Gary at U.S. House of Representatives, Photograph, Img. 2
Congressman Hudnut, Bob Hope, and Gary at U.S. House of Representatives, Photograph, Img. 3
Congressman Hudnut, Bob Hope, and Gary at U.S. House of Representatives, Photograph, Img. 4
William H. Hudnut III with Bob Hope, Img. 3, with Gary J. Guggenberger and Peter N. Kyros
Congressman Hudnut, Bob Hope, and Gary at U.S. House of Representatives, Photograph, Img. 1
James S. Whitfield to Richard F. Hohlt, January 21, 1975
James R Derricks to Mayor Lugar, July 8, 1971
Donald Johnson to Richard M. Nixon, April 12, 1971
From Mayor Lugar, January 29, 1971
Harold Russell to Stuart F. Feldman, February 11, 1971