412 items found
Resolution, Coordinated National Solid Waste Effort, July 1973
Resolution, Environmental Impact Statements, July 1973
Resolution, Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973, July 1973
Resolution, Fuel Allocations, July 1973
Resolution, Health Maintenance Organizations, July 1973
Resolution, Local Health Services Funding, July 1973
Resolution, National Health Insurance, July 1973
Resolution, Reaffirming Support for General Revenue Sharing, July 1973
Resolution, Sale of Federal Lands, July 1973
Resolution, Secretary of Interior, July 1973
Resolution, Social Services Programs, July 1973
Resolution, Supporting System or Payments in Lieu of Taxes, July 1973
Resolution, Supporting a Taxable Bond Subsidy Option, July 1973
Resolution, Supporting the Replacement of the Area Impact Aid for an Education Program, July 1973
Resolution, The Alaska Natives Claims Settlement Act, July 1973
Resolution, Welfare Reform, July 1973
A Proposal for a Special Resolution, Resolution 8, 1972
The Taxable Bond Subsidy Option, July 1973
Rev. Gary Kornell to Mayor Lugar, January 8, 1974
City-County Council Proposal No. 614, 1989