Television Stations
166 items found
Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 7
Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 8
Beulah Coughenour at Channel 16, Undated, Img. 9
Mayor Hudnut at Gleaner's Food Drive, December 10, 1987, Img. 11
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 7
Unidentified Press Conference in MCR 1, Undated, Img. 8
Mayor Lugar to Dick Wheeler, September 26, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Don Harris, September 26, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Walter Evans, September 26, 1972
Notes, Texas, Roan Harwood
Kathy Lou Johnston to Charles A. Adler Jr., September 19, 1973
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, Sep. 20-21, 1972, Texas
Schedule for Mayor Lugar, Sep. 20-21, 1972, Texas_With Different Notes
James T. Morris to Ray Clone, April 21, 1970
Charles A. Adler Jr. to Rick Schieffer, September 10, 1973
Tentative Schedule, Sep. 20-21, 1972, Texas_Corrections
Tentative Schedule, Sep. 20-21, 1972, Texas_Without Corrections
Texas Contacts List
Texas Contacts List_With Notes
Helen Hollingsworth to Mayor Lugar, October 22, 1974