Revenue Sharing
1,107 items found
Two Groups Speaking for the Nation's Cities, 1973
Peter B. Harkins to Eve Purvis, November 9, 1973
Robert L. Kahn to Mayor Lugar, August 28, 1974
Vance A. Webb to Mayor Lugar, Nov. 3, 1975
Vance Webb to NACO Members
Public Law 90-351, U.S. Congress, June 19, 1968
Ramsey Clark to Richard G. Lugar, July 3, 1968
Ramsey Clark to Roger D. Branigin, July 3, 1968
Richard B. Wetzel to Mayor Lugar, Jun. 11, 1971
Statement by Mayor Richard G. Lugar Before the Marion County Tax Adjustment Board
Total Costs for Land, Revenue Sharing, and Lost Ohio Street Property Taxes
Total Property Base
William M. Schreiber to President Hasbrook and Members of the City Council
Forty-Year Projection of Income and Costs for Market Square
Lawsuit Press Release
Mayor Lugar to Editor of the Indianapolis Star, May 9, 1973
W. R. Payne Jr. to L. Keith Bulen, April 11, 1973
Jon Hofferman to Mayor Lugar, November 7, 1973
Power and Light Plans
For Release, January 25, 1971, Spiro T. Agnew Attending