148 items found
Mitzi Hurst to Sandi, June 29, 1994
Mitzi Hurst to Betty Hockey, August 17, 1993
Mitzi Hurst to Mayor Goldsmith, October 12, 1993
WRTV6 Mitzi Hurst Information Specialist...
Bud Biering to Mayor Goldsmith, September 8, 1993_1
Betty Hockey to Mayor Goldsmith, August 11, 1993_Date Stamp
Bud Biering to Mayor Goldsmith, September 8, 1993_2
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, 40th Reunion of the Crispus Attucks High School Class of 1953
To Mitzi Hurst, July 9, 1993
City of Indianapolis at the Crossroads of America Proclamation
From Stephen Goldsmith, Mason-Patton Family Reunion
City of Indianapolis Randy Woolridge Certificate
City of Indianapolis Don Eddy Certificate
Proclamation: "The Third Armored Division World War II Association Day"
Robert C. Riensche to Mayor Goldsmith, November 19, 1992_Notes
Mayor Hudnut at City Market Reunion, July 23, 1983, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut at City Market Reunion, July 23, 1983, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut at City Market Reunion, July 23, 1983, Img. 5
Bethel Park Reunion, July 29, 1985, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut, Joseph A. Slash
Bethel Park Reunion, July 29, 1985, Img. 15, with Mayor Hudnut