386 items found
Public Sector Labor Relations
Summary of Employee Compensation: Comparison of 1976 to 1977, Department of Transportation
Summary of Employee Compensation: Comparison of 1976 to 1977, Department of Parks and Recreation
Congressman Hudnut Speaks To Indianapolis Fire Fighters Union 416
Richard A.S. Dorsey to Douglas Lawrence, October 4, 1974
Employees Status on Wage Control
Gary L. Benson to Mayor Hudnut, February 24, 1978
Charlotte Campbell to Gary Benson, February 24, 1978
1988 Salary Administration
Thomas E. Parker, Jr. to All Department Directors and Division Heads, February 14, 1983
Revised Evaluation Committee Procedures, Salary Ranges, January 1, 1980
Faye I. Mowery to Mayor's Office, City-County Council, Directors and Division Heads, February 27, 1979
Executive Salaries in Cities of 250,000-750,000
Mayor Hudnut to Lee L. Verstandig, May 31, 1984
Murrill M. Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, Dr. Beurt SerVaas, Richard Clark, et al., April 26, 1978
Faye I. Mowery to Mayor Hudnut, March 22, 1978
Robert Boykin to Faye I. Mowery, July 6, 1977
Charlotte Campbell to Gary Benson, February 24, 1978_Notes
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen West, March 16, 1978
Gary L. Benson to Mayor Hudnut, April 3, 1978