Public-Private Partnerships
1,074 items found
Joe Loftus to City County Councillors, May 11, 1993
Questions from an Employee's Perspective Regarding Possible Private Management and Operation of the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Michael B. Stayton to Susan Williams, February 7, 1994
Stephan Fantauzzo to Beurt SerVass, January 5, 1994
Stephan Fantauzzo to Beurt SerVass, December 22, 1993
Stephan Fantauzzo to Beurt SerVass, December 27, 1993
IBJ Guest Column Mayor Goldsmith, November 1993
Joe Loftus to City County Councillors, November 12, 1993
City to Save $65 Million Through Private Management of Wastewater Plants
Michael B. Stayton to Mayor Goldsmith, November 11, 1993_Different Folder
Milestones in the Competition for the Management of City AWT Plants, Draft
Statement of Qualifications for Contract Operation and Maintenance of the City of Indianapolis Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Additional Information for the Statement of Qualifications for Contract Operation and Maintenance of the City of Indianapolis Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities
Economic Development and Job Retention Covenants and Representations of Hughes Technical Services Company Regarding the Operations of the NAWC Aircraft Division - Indianapolis
Michael E. Williams to Stephen B. Kaspar, May 13, 1996
Michael E. Williams to Michael Houston, May 13, 1996
Economic Development and Job Retention Covenants and Representations of Hughes Technical Services Company Regarding the Operations of the NAWC Aircraft Division - Indianapolis
Mary Francis to Mayor Goldsmith, May 3, 1996
Media Event Notes
Privatization Business, May 1, 1996