Public-Private Partnerships
1,074 items found
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facilities Request for Proposal Update
Mayor Goldsmith to Stan Knight, February 10, 1992
From Mayor Goldsmith to Resident, May 22, 1996
Navy News & Undersea Technology, May 20, 1996
Naval Air Warfare Center, March 1994
Why Indianapolis Leads in Outsourcing Public
Memorandum of Understanding Between City of Indianapolis and Thomson Consumer Electronics, Inc.
Mayor Goldsmith to Joseph Fogliano, December 8, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Jean-Yves F. Dexmier, June 23, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Pat Callahan, June 10, 1993
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith Regarding Tax Abatement Policies, April 8, 1992
AWT Savings Mean No Sewer User Fee Increase in 1994
Michael B. Stayton to City-County Councillors, January 4, 1994
Hursel Disney and Hunt Palmer to Mayor Goldsmith, May 26, 1992
Small Business Task Force Goals and Timeline, Pages 1-2
Mayor Goldsmith to Eric Zimmer, August 21, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Daniel E. Gill, August 11, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Bill Simpson, August 10, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Carl Hogan, July 29, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Roy A. Nicholson, July 31, 1992