Public Transportation
883 items found
Indianapolis Transit Immediate Action Study
Opportunities for Improving On-street Transit Operations in Indianapolis
Richard Pritchard to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Jim Borman, October 9, 1975
Jim Borman to Mayor Lugar
Mayor Lugar to Ruth D. Cummins, January 25, 1974
Ruth D. Cummins to Mayor Lugar, January 19, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Leona McKee, November 29, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Leona McKey, November 27, 1974
Leona McKee to Mayor Lugar, November 21, 1974
Statement of Mayor J. D. Braman to the Subcommittee on The Federal Government and Private Enterprise
Third Quarter Report, 1973: City of Indianapolis
Federal vs. Local: A Discussion of Current and Critical Issue, Outline of Remarks by Richard G. Lugar to the Indianapolis Rotary Club, February 12, 1974
Public Transit Planning and Management Seminar
Richard B. Wetzel to Pat Shore, May 11, 1972
Gerald R. Thorne to Richard G. Lugar, December 7, 1971
How About a Subway In Town? A Native Hoosier Inquires
A Statement on Public Transportation by Richard G. Lugar, Mayor
Transportation Information Centers
Public Transit Struggles to Keep Pace