301 items found
Chapter 3: A Sensible Regulatory Climate
Case Study #4: Dog Licenses, September 1999
Case Study #5: Asbestos Regulations, September 1999
Chapter 5: Taxes and the Budget, September 1999
Case Study #2: Building Permits, Notes
Chapter 5: Taxes and the Budget, Notes
Case Study #1: Fair Fees Draft
Case Study #5: Asbestos Regulations Draft
Chapter 3: A Sensible Regulatory Climate with Dave Certo's Suggestions
Case Study #3: Building Permits Draft
Case Study #4: Asbestos Regulations Second Draft
Gene Lausch to Skip Stitt, November 21, 1996
Chapter III: A Sensible Regulatory Climate
Policy Study: Regulatory Reform at the Local Level: Regulating Reform at the Local Level: Regulating for Competition, Opportunity, and Prosperity
Chapter III: Sensible Regulatory Climate
Indinapolis Regulatory Study Commission, August 6, 1992
Indianapolis Conference Investigates Freedom, Government Accountability, and Local Regulation
Staff Report 91-Z-153 (Continued)
The Indianapolis Homeowner Freedom Act, November 28, 1994
Information and Analysis Statement: Taxi, Limousine, Jitney