959 items found
Drop in Anytime
"Indianapolis Recycles" Outdoor Billboards
Lynn Thompson to Sandy Charmstrom, March 13, 1991
Indianapolis Clean City 1991 Roll-Off Sites
Cash for Trash Recycling Program
Mayor Hudnut to Ruth Hayes and Alan Moberly, September 18, 1987
Final Report of the Marion County Recycling Commission
Mayor Hudnut to Julianne Miller, June 16, 1989
Meridian Kessler Neighborhood Association, The City Can Help...
William G. Shassere to Mayor Hudnut, January 4, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to J. Danforth Quayle, December 21, 1990
Jack L. Cottey to Mayor Hudnut, March 5, 1991
Mayor Receives Recyling Commission Report
Alan Moberly to Mayor Hudnut, September 16, 1987
Philip C. Borst to Mayor Hudnut, August 3, 1987
Nora Comunity Council News, Vol. 85, No. 6
Solid Waste Management, Vol. IX, No. 5
Mayor Hudnut to George A. Vonder Linden, May 21, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Ruth Hayes & Alan Moberly, September 18, 1987
Richard F. Brown to Mayor Hudnut, June 14, 1984