1,575 items found
Proclamation "Ted Engel Day"
Proclamation, Skip B. 'Charles' Stitt Day, Mar. 30, 1995
Nancy Myrland to Mitzi Hurst, January 25, 1995
Stephen Goldsmith to Ms. Morokoff, June 15, 1992
Delores Smith to Mayor Goldsmith, June 4, 1992
Proclamation: "Wilma Deppee Day"
Jack Stephenson to Mayor Goldsmith, October 14, 1993
Proclamation "Jean Chandler Day"
David A. Coffey to Mayor Goldsmith, January 11, 1994
David A. Coffey to Mayor Goldsmith, January 12, 1994
Proclamation, Becky Anderson Day, Mar. 16, 1993
Proclamation, Jack Sandlin Day, Mar. 2, 1993
Proclamation "Chuck Harvey Day"
Proclamation "Chuck Harvey Day"_Without Notes
Proclamation, Tina Lee Day, Dec. 30, 1992
Proclamation "Faye I. Mowery Day"
Proclamation, The Honorable Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. Day, Jan. 13, 1993
Proclamation: "Gene McClarney, McClarney's Famous Restaurant Day"
Mayor Goldsmith to Robert Koch, July 6, 1993
Proclamation: "Barbara L. Grytcko Day"