Mass Transit
235 items found
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 14
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 16
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 17
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 19
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 2
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 20
John Krauss at Trolley Race on Monument Circle, May 24, 1989, Img. 22
Framed Postcards of Historic Indianapolis
Downtown Indianapolis Metro Button
Trolley Cap, Probably from Indianapolis Union Station Renovation
Old Street Car Near Washington and Illinois, Circa 1893
Michael Quinn to GIPC, February 16, 1970
Lorna B. Ross to Richard G. Lugar, March 23, 1970
Robert M. Cochran to Mayor Lugar, November 25, 1970
Mayor Lugar to E. Henry Lamkin, Jr., January 13, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Richard B. Wetzel, July 21, 1970
Richard B. Wetzel to Mayor Lugar, January 12, 1971
Statement of Purpose and Orientation for the Mayor's Task Force on Mass Transportation
Edgar D. Whitcomb to Mayor Lugar, October 20, 1970
Patrick Healy and John Gunther to Mayors and Managers of Cities over 30,000 Population, November 20, 1970