925 items found
Colorcon, Inc. Opening Celebration
"Meet Your Mayor" Visit to DOW Chemical Company
Mayor Hudnut Announces Plans for Allison Modernization
Nabisco Indianapolis Margarine Plant: Fact Sheet
Mark S. Davis to Mayor Hudnut and John L. Krauss, February 15, 1983
Mark S. Davis Itinerary, February 16, 1983
International Robotics Center Feasibility Survey
Nancy Coleman to Mayor Hudnut, Joe, John, Mark, and Tom, September 29, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Cabinet, March 28, 1983
Virginia DeRolf to Kae Browning, December 9, 1981
Tom Luser to Mayor Hudnut, September 10, 1976
Mayor's Visit to Eli Lilly & Co., Mayor's Briefing
Mayor Hudnut to Dan Coats, May 4, 1989
Colgate-Palmolive "Made in Indiana" Lunch, Mayor's Briefing
From Mayor Hudnut, July 13, 1981_Colgate-Palmolive Campaign
Alan H. Douglas to Mayor Hudnut, July 1, 1981
Dan Burton to Mayor Hudnut, April 2, 1990
Dan Burton to Michael Quinlan, April 2, 1990
To Roofing Industry Manufacturers, March 1, 1991
Informational Sheet on Businesses, Beginning with Mike-Sells