Lugar, Richard G., Invitation Sent to
1,307 items found
Mrs. Robert D. [Euach] to Mayor Lugar, Oct. 17, 1975
Regina Rekis and Margot Ruusma to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 13, 1975
Request for Mayor Lugar, "A Day in the Country"
Rev. W.M. Robinson to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 9, 1975
Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital Meeting Notice
Indianapolis Symphony candlelight evening
Jacks, T. Richard to Contract Management Association Members, May 7, 1975
James M. Stanley to Mayor Lugar, April 28, 1975
Jane Watson to Mayor Lugar, April 11, 1975
Janet E. Martindale to Mayor Lugar, April 24, 1975
Leadership Dinner Instructions
Lynn Stevens to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 30, 1975
Mary Crist to Mayor Lugar, May 27, 1975
Mayor Chris Moritz to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 28, 1975
Thomas W. Binford to Friend, Aug. 20, 1975
W.D. Wells to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 18, 1975
William Heiss to Mayor Lugar
Richard B. Wetzel to C. H. Keller, November 1, 1971
James T. Morris to Richard B. Wetzel, October 29, 1971
William Stewart to Mayor Lugar, February 5, 1971