Lugar, Richard G., Invitation Sent to
1,307 items found
Teresa Smith to Mayor Lugar, June 24, 1975
Theodore A. Tuschinsky to Mayor Lugar, May 15, 1975
Thomas Paino, Jr. to Mayor Lugar, June 6, 1975
Underground Evangelism Event
W.E. Berry to Mayor Lugar, June 2, 1975
Wedding of Barbara Thomson and Jack Getz
William Harris, Jr. to Mayor Lugar, May 28, 1975
Scheduling Request and Notes, Symphony Reception for Andre Watts
Scheduling Request for Park Department Softball Game
Scheduling Request for Public Officials Appreciation Luncheon
Spring Arbor College Commencement
Thomas G. Klein to Mayor Lugar, May 5, 1975
Trackside Hospitality Suite Invitation
William C. Graam to Mayor Lugar, May 7, 1975
Howard Johnson's Opening
Hudnut-Coughenold Party
Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital Meeting Notice
James V. Dabner and Kenneth B. Hale to Mayor Lugar, June 20, 1975
Joe West to Mayor Lugar, June 1, 1975
John R. Walsh to 500 Festival Board, June 17, 1975