Lugar, Richard G., Invitation Accepted by
194 items found
Richard G. Lugar to Thomas Vail, November 4, 1970
Mayor Lugar to James N. Caldwell Jr., January 26, 1970_Note in Corner
Richard G Lugar to Frederick A. Vierow, February 20, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Robert J. Shaw, May 4, 1970
Mayor Lugar to W. Elmer George, Notes, March 18, 1970
Richard G. Lugar to Mr. John S. Andrews, December 23, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Mr. William E. Foster, February 24, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Richard G. Marden, July 14, 1971
James T. Morris to Gordon C. Bjork, September 25, 1972
Mayor Lugar to Herbert Bingham, June 3, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Meredith Nicholson III, March 4, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Charles Bodgen, December 21, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Glenn A. Lovern, July 27, 1970
Scott McAlister to George Romney, Thomas Meskill, Lowell Weicker, Mayor Lugar, Ted DiLorenzo, and Edwin Etherington, June 22, 1971
Scott McAlister to Mayor Lugar, June 22, 1971
Scott McAlister to Mayor Lugar, May 26, 1971
Mayor Lugar to John F. Will III, June 27, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Russ Maple, June 26, 1975
James McKenny to Mayor Lugar, April 30, 1971
John F. Will, III to Mayor Lugar, June 13, 1975