61 items found
Map of Ward 29
The Responsiblility of the Precinct Worker in Political Campaigns
Lucille Camp to Leroy Johnson, August 28, 1968
Ward and Precinct Map, December 6, 1972
A List of Changed or Created Precincts with the Estimated Number of Voters in Each of Said Precincts
Mayors Ordinance No. 1, 1975
Mayors Ordinance No. 1, 1975
Electoral Tally Flash Card: Ward 12, Precinct 4
Electoral Tally Flash Card: Total Number of Precincts Perry 14
Electoral Tally Flash Card: Total Number of Precincts Perry 29
Electoral Tally Flash Card: Total Number of Precincts Perry 6
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, April 18
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, April 15
To Mary Ann Pahud, April 18
18th Ward
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, May 8, 1984
Luther Condre to All Amy Bradley Volunteers et al., October 31, 1983
Marlene Wilson to Republican Friend, November 17, 1983
Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut, November 1, 1983
Noal J. Highlands to Mayor Hudnut, June 20, 1984