Intergovernmental Agency
103 items found
Wm. R. MacDougall to Members of the ACIR, February 1, 1972
Wm. R. MacDougall to Members of the ACIR, February 23, 1972
Federalism in 1973: The System Under Stress
Message from... Robert E. Merriam
Wm. R. MacDougall to Members of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), February 8, 1974
Expansion of ACIR Membership, Memo
Federal, State, and Local Relationships with Indian Tribes, Memo
Fifty-First Meeting of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)
Financing Schools and Property Tax Relief-A State Responsibility
Financing Schools and Property Tax Relief-A State Responsibility: Chapters 1 and 2
Metropolitan Transportation Report, Memo
Metropolitan Transportation Report: Recommendations
Metropolitan Transportation: Intergovernmental Planning and Financing Implementation, A Brief Explanation in Charts and Tables
Metropolitan Transportation: Intergovernmental Planning and Financing Implementation, Chapter IV
Multistate Regionalism in the Federal System
Part I: Educational Equality and Intergovernmental Relations
Property Tax Relief for Low-Income Families
Public Appraisal of Major Types of Taxes
Public Law 86-380
Mayor Lugar to William R. MacDougall, December 29, 1972