Medical Services
250 items found
Health and Hospital Notes
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Mayor Hudnut, December 29, 1982
Bosma Tribute Program Format
Wendell J. Walls to Mayor Hudnut, February 7, 1984
State of Indiana Executive Department Indianapolis Draft
Sen. Charles E. Bosma Tribute - Renaming of the Industrial Workshop & Indiana Rehabilitation Center Notes
Proclamation "MetroHealth Month," November 1984
Indiana Association of Disability Examiners Annual Banquet, October 27, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to E. V. Schaffer to August 15, 1984
Anne Schuster to Mayor Hudnut, October 2, 1977
Central Neuropsychiatric Association, October 13 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Ted L. Grayson, September 2, 1983
James M. Lohman to David Frick, September 28, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Justin Furman, April 14, 1983
Radiologic Technology Week
Medic Alert Could Save Your Life
Hudnut Co-Sponsors Legislation To Set Up Commission To Study Excessive Large Malpractice Awards
Mayor Hudnut to Terry E. Baumgard, August 15, 1991
Judi Johnson to Mayor Hudnut, October 5, 1990
A Sampling of Indianapolis Medical Highlights