Lugar for Senate
116 items found
Rep. Philip Crane Refreshes Recollection of Bobby Baker Cover-up, September 1973
Senator Bayh: The Big Brother, Notes
Schedule for Mayor Lugar
Carver McGriff to Mayor Lugar, March 6, 1974
Tomas M. Macioce to Mayor Lugar, November 25, 1974
Transfer of Funds from The Lugar for Senate to the Indiana Republican State Central Committee
Lugar Expects Strong Labor Support in Fall, May 8, 1974
Lugar Urges Bayh to Reverse Pro-Busing Stand, May 14, 1974
Dick Lugar: A Senator For Indiana, 1974
Marion County Republican Reporter, October 1974
Mayor Lugar to John Wood, October 1, 1974
Otis R. Bowen to John and Patricia, October 12, 1974
Dick Lugar Report on Health Care
Lugar Announces for Re-election
Lugar Campaign Files FEC Report
William H. Hudnut III to L. Keith Bulen, November 20, 1974
Anne Schuster to L. Keith Bulen, July 31, 1982
Hugh Scott to L. Keith Bulen, February 28, 1974
Phillip E. Gutman to L. Keith Bulen, June 24, 1974
Audra Bailey to Gerald R. Ford, August 23, 1974