807 items found
From Allan C. Brendsel
Notes for III's Comments at USO Recognition Ceremony on 6/28/84
USO Recognition Ceremony
USO Center Reception and Awards Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 23, 1983
Biographical Sketch; General Bruce C. Clarke
From Mayor Hudnut and Sam H. Jones, June 6, 1991
Mayor Hudnut and Stephen A. Stitle to Robert H. Veneck, Jr., June 6, 1991
Jon Voelz to Mayor Hudnut, March 22, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Cabinet, March 18, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to Robert Moorhead, March 13, 1991
Federal Register, Vol. 56, No. 32
Fort Benjamin Harrison - Indianapolis, Indiana
Roy C. Wetherell to Mayor Hudnut, June 22, 1984
National P.O.W./M.J.A. Recognition Day, 1984
National POW MIA Recognition Day Program
Edmund A. "Ed" Spitzer to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Viola Poggemeier, May 29, 1984
Viola Poggemeier to Mayor Hudnut, May 8, 1984
National POW-MIA Recognition Day Notes, Revised Notation