Lilly Endowment
298 items found
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, January 14, 1983
James T. Morris to Mayor Hudnut, April 18, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Michael A. Carroll, August 28, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to John P. Ryan, November 12, 1987
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, to Mayor Hudnut, March 21, 1983
From Kae Browning, May 9
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut, May 4, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Mike Higbee, et al., April 9, 1987
William A. Carter to Corporate Community Council Members, March 13, 1984
William A. Carter to Corporate Community Council Board of Directors, March 1, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Michael Carroll, July 22, 1988
Proposal to the Lilly Endowment, Inc. by the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership
M.D. Higbee to John Labaj and Chris Glancy, June 22, 1988
Objectives of IRT Preliminary Financial Plan
Assumption Incorporated in IRT Preliminary Financial Plan
Proposal Submitted to the Lilly Endowment by the Near East Side Community Organization
Youth Committee, Lilly Endowment Notes, November 30, 1987
Joan Lipsitz to Jim Morris and Members of the Youth Committee, March 26, 1987
J. Darrell Bakken to James Morris, March 3, 1986
Carolyn J. Blitz to Indianapolis Growth Project Inc. Board of Directors and Officers, November 30, 1983