International Business
218 items found
Indianapolis Recognizes Delphine Ferrie as Honorary Citizen, July 7, 1994
William E. Herber to Mayor Goldsmith, June 30, 1994_France
Indianapolis Recognizes Wu Ru Ning as Honorary Citizen, July 7, 1994
Indianapolis Recognizes Shigenori Tanaka as Honorary Citizen, May 10, 1994
To David G. Downey, April 22, 1994
AIWA, No. of Company Name...
S. Sugawara to David G. Downey, April 26, 1994
Citizen Ambassador Program, Real Estate Delegation to the People's Republic of China, May 27, 1994
Proclamation: "Mr. Donald R. Laskowski 1993 International Business Person of the Year"
Steve Campbell to Mitzi Hurst, August 27, 1993
Campbell Communications International, Ltd.
Indo-US Business, April-May, 1995
Cathy Cregor to Larry Gigerich, May 15, 1995
White River Environmental Partnership, Payment for Services Rendered
Rebecca Rasch to Alexander Simitch, April 5, 1995
Seminaire Etats-Uni, "Pourquoi L'Amerique Aujoud'hui?," Liste Des Participants
Alex S. Simitch to David R. Sherman, June 6, 1995
American-Egyptian Chamber of Commerce
Proposed Companies for Chicago and Indianapolis
James T. Shea to Reggie Duvalle, May 29, 1995