77 March Accept
285 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Metropolitian Development Commission Members, Robert Kennedy, et. al,March 2, 1977
"Get Acquainted" Reception
Jeff Chansler Note
Mayor Hudnut to Mark Davis, March 15, 1977
Mark Davis to Mayor Hudnut, March 11, 1977
Mayor Hudnut to Robert Gangstad, July 29, 1976
Robert Gangstad to Mayor Hudnut, July 27, 1976
Draft Agenda
1977 Auction 20
John Townsend to Mayor and Mrs. Hudnut, January 24, 1977
Michaela Christ to Bruce Melchert, March 4, 1977
Indianapolis Association of Administrators, Supervisors, and Consultants, Inc. Notecards
Indianapolis Association of Administrators, Supervisors, and Consultants, Inc.
Mayor's Management Review Task Force Summary of Recommendations and Benefits
Mayor Hudnut to Fred Jones, November 18, 1976
Fred Jones to Mayor Hudnut, November 17, 1976
Indianapolis Kiwanian
John Sutton to Mayor Hudnut, March 8, 1977
Kiwani's Club of Indianapolis Inc. Luncheon Meeting
Kiwanis Basketball Roundup