89 items found
Fisk University Jubilee Singers to Indianapolis
Fisk Jubilee Singers
"American Association of University Women Week"
Estella Caldwell to Lauren Deam, February 24, 1989
Sheila Ewing BeMiller to Mark Goff, February 22, 1989
Volunteers of America Week"
"Disney-MGM Studios Day"
"Southport Middle School 'Just Say No' Day"
"Greater Indianapolis Foreign Trade Zone, Inc. Day"
"Catholic Social Services Day"
Joy Baumgartner to Mayor Hudnut, February 8, 1989
Nomination of Thomas S. Douglass
Tom Douglass, An Avid Advocate for Volunteerism
To Mayor Hudnut, March 3, 1989
"NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Indoor Track and Field Championships Days"
James Perkins, Jr. to Joseph Wynns, February 2, 1989
Information for Proclamation: NCAA
"Chess Therapy Day"
Ralph M. Dowe to Lauran Deam, February 8, 1989
"Catholic Youth Organization Day"