77 January Accept
193 items found
Indianapolis Clean City Committee Sub-Committee Chairperson Training
Indianapolis Clean City Committee Sub-Committee Chairpersons
State of Indiana Oath
Eugene Gallagher to Dr. Murrill Lowry, January 11, 1977
Format For Swearing In Ceremonies For Recruit Officers
Eugene Gallagher to Dr. Murrill Lowry, January 11, 1977
George Diener to Susan McVie, December 20, 1976
George Diener to Elaine Maddox, December 16, 1976
Bruce Melchert to Mayor Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut to Elton Brooks, January 4, 1977
Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Reception
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Susan McVie to Mayor Hudnut, January 3rd
Police Recruit Swearing In
Elton Brooks to Mayor Hudnut, December 23, 1976
Dennis Rosebrough to Mayor Hudnut, January 18, 1977
Dennis Rosebrough to Mayor Hudnut, January 20, 1977
Flag Remarks
Seal of the City
Statement By Mayor Hudnut Praising Racer Players and Owners
From Susan McVie