December 1979
379 items found
RSVP to Larry J. Hannah
Invitation to a Reception Hosted by Frank I. Hamilton
List of Sponsors
Invitation to a Cocktail Party Before and After the Indiana Society Dinner
Invitation to Cocktails on the Occasion of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Indiana Society of Chicago
RSVP to Indiana Society of Chicago
Reservation Request Form for the 65th Annual Dinner of the Indiana Society of Chicago | Indiana Society of Chicago Errata
From Marcie Thompson, November 14, 1979
Need Answers ASAP: Invitations Received for Indiana Society of Chicago
65th Annual Dinner, Indiana Society of Chicago Honoring Arvin Industries Inc. Brochure
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, December 9, 1979
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, December 10, 1979
Eli Lilly Institutional Biosafety Committee Meeting Notice and Agenda
Kae Browning to David Frick et al., November 28, 1979
Agenda Project Leadership-Service
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, November 28, 1979
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, December 11, 1979
To Mayor Hudnut, November 19
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, November 27, 1979
Invitation to Cocktails and Dinner at Our Office, Indianapolis Water Company