Feb. 95, Procs
39 items found
Proclamation, Engineers Week, Feb. 19-25, 1995
Proclamation, African-American History Banquet Day, Feb. 25, 1995
Reverend Lovie D. Brown to Mayor Goldsmith, January 30, 1995
Mitzi Hurst to Joe Wynns, February 23, 1995
Reverend Benny Floyd to Mayor Goldsmith, January 24, 1995
Proclamation, James W. Strickland, M.D. Day, Feb. 23, 1995
Lori A. Morgan to Mitzi Hertz, February 6, 1995
Lori A. Morgan to Mitzi Hertz, Fax, February 6, 1995
The Indiana Hand Center: James W. Strickland, M.D.
Proclamation, Engineers Week, Feb. 19-25, 1995_With Notes
Owen H. Meharg to Mitzi Hurst, February 6, 1995
Proclamation, Engineers Week, Feb. 19-25, 1995_With Edits
Make Reservations Now for the National Engineers Week Banquet
Proclamation, The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis Day, Feb. 15, 1995
Invitation, 10th Birthday of The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis
Bruce K. Hetrick to Mitzi Hurst, February 1, 1995
Proclamation, Congregation B/nai Torah
Tom Rose to Mitzi Hurst, February 1, 1995
William Dale to Mayor Goldsmith, February 21, 1995
1995 Indiana Golden Gloves