Certif, 97

270 items found

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Nico Holl

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Christian Kusen

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Malte Manstetten

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Feliz Mengel

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Sabastian Muller

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Sabastian Reuter

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Julia Schneider

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Moritz Schulte

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Bastian Winter

Giles R. Hoyt to Mitzi Hurst, March 14, 1997

Koln-Indianapolis Austausch Programm, Indianapolis Host Family Adressen, 1997

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Coach Karen Langeland

Indianapolis Mayor's Adopt-A-Median Program Notice, May 28, 1997

Indianapolis Mayor's Adopt-A-Median Program Notice, June 5, 1997

Indianapolis Mayor's Adopt-A-Median Program Notice, May 20, 1997_With Highlighting

Indianapolis Mayor's Adopt-A-Median Program Notice, May 20, 1997

City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of Elder & Mrs. Horatio & Marsha Luster

Scott Manor N. Home to Mitzi Hurst, April 17, 1997

City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges the Outstanding Services of Tanisha Willioughby

Jocelyn T. Williams to Mitzi Hurst, April 2, 1997