Proc 98
111 items found
Frederick Douglass Middle School Peace Pledge
FDMS #19 Project Peace Meeting, October 14, 1998
Frederick Douglass Middle School Project Peace Mediator Application
Frederick Douglass Middle School Peace Pledge_Multiple
Proclamation "John R. Von Arx Day"
From John R. Von Arx, August 5, 1997
From John R. Von Arx
Office of the Marion County Auditor
From the Office of the Marion County Auditor
Proclamation "Kay Kelly Day"
James T. Morris to Winnifred Cunningham, June 15, 1998
Executive Summary_Indiana/World Skating Academy
Mary E. Maultsbury to Mitzi Hartford, October 30, 1998
Proclamation "Hoagy Carmichael Day"
Gregory J. Ladd to Mayor Goldsmith October 9, 1998
Proclamation "Linda Davis Day"
Linda Davis Bio
Proclamation "Rear Admiral Martin D. Carmody USN"
Martin Carmody to Mr. Lazerov, April 15, 1998
Biography Rear Admiral Martin D. Carmody USN (Ret)