May 98 Procs
170 items found
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Laura Woody
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Paul Wilfong
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Amanda Leatherman
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Jackie Anderson
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Service of Mike Campbell
Proclamation "Nuestra Musica Day"
Dan Henkel to Mitzi Hurst
Suggested Proclamation Language Nuestra Musica Day (May 30, 1998)
Proclamation "Officer Bradley Thomas Day"
Donald A. Bender to Jerry Barker, June 7, 1998
Proclamation "Arsenal Technical High School Day"
Barbara Ayash to Mayor Goldsmith, May 12, 1998
Whereas, the Children of Indianapolis and America Are Our Nation's Most Precious Resource
Project Summary, The Set a Good Example Project
Set a Good Example Month, Proclamations for 1991 and 1995
From H. Dean Evans, June 3, 1991
Barbara J. Pryor to Barbara Ayash
California Legislature 1989-90 Regular Session Assembly Daily Journal, June 28, 1990
Congressional Record, May 23, 1990
Congressional Record, May 30, 1991