Declines - February 1975
103 items found
From Patrick J. Traub
From Ruth Ann Foland, January 8, 1975
From Sidney H. Weedman, January 20, 1975
General Revenue Sharing Invitational Workshop
Hank Aaron to Mayor Lugar, December 16, 1974
Henry C. Goodrich to Mayor Lugar, January 10, 1975
Henry Shackleford to Mayor Lugar, February 7, 1975
Indiana Section American Water Works Association
Indiana State Library, 150th Anniversary
Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital Board Meeting, February 28, 1975
Indianapolis Osteopathic Hospital, February 14, 1975
IUPUI Metros Boosters Reception
J.H. Cox to R. Boehning et al., January 30, 1975
James P. Revel to Mayor Lugar, January 15, 1975
James S. Whitfield to Richard F. Hohlt, January 21, 1975
Jim Gerrard and Cecil Byrne to Mayor Lugar, January 30, 1975
John C. Murphy to Urban Affairs Committee, February 7, 1975
John O'Donnell to Mayor Lugar and Charlene Lugar, January 22, 1975
John P. Hilmes to Debbie Daniels, January 21, 1975
John P. Hilmes to Mayor Lugar, January 7, 1975