Unigov Transportation Correspondence, 1971
235 items found
Repaving Sidewalks on South St.
A. C. Ferguson to Mayor Lugar, Mar. 17, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to Martha Richardson, Apr. 12, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to Michael A. Watkins, Apr. 12, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to Mrs. Raymond A. Brown, Apr. 12, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to Winston Churchill, Jun. 25, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to WTTS, Apr. 12, 1971
Alice Levenson to Mayor Lugar, Mar. 7, 1971
Arlington Ave. to Sheridan Ave. Speed Limits
Arthur E. Thomas, Jr. to Department of Transportation, March 15, 1971
Arthur H. Northrup to Mayor Lugar, Winston Churchill, and Robert J. Milligan, Jun. 24, 1971
Asphalt Resurface and Double Shot Sealed Roads in Allisonville
August B. Bayse to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 4, 1971
Authorizing Disinterment, Removal and Reinterment of Human Remains, May 26, 1971
Ben L. Selig to Mayor Lugar, May 25, 1971
Ben L. Selig to Richard Frazell, May 10, 1971
Bernard J. Gohmann, Jr. to Edgar A. Claffey, May 25, 1971
Bill Jones to John Walls, Jun. 9, 1971
Bob Genung to Mayor Lugar, February 2, 1971
C. H. Boswell to J. Cox, Dec. 12, 1971