126 items found
Notes, Roger Homes, Bill Taylor
Notes, Rusty Smith
Notes, The Diplomat Resorts and Country Club
Owen H. Meharg to Mayor Lugar, February 16, 1973
Paula F. Hawkins to Mayor Lugar, June 18, 1973
R.P. Alfred to Thomas C. Hasbrook, March 21, 1972
Ralph A. Marsicano to Mayor Lugar, January 16, 1970
Raymond C. Sitting to Mayor Lugar, August 11, 1970
Recent Speaking Engagements
Republican Party of Florida: Republican State Committee Contact List
Rev. Msgr. Charles Koster to Mayor Lugar, May 13, 1971
Richard F. Hohlt to Maxwell Stewart, March 7, 1975
Ruth Brown to Mayor Lugar, May 12, 1971
Stephen P. Clark to Mayor Lugar, February 2, 1971
Thank You Senor for so Much Fun
The National Register of Prominent Americans, and International Notables, 1976-1977
The Odyssey of the Seventies: Alpha Xi Delta Convention
The State's Role in Transportation, 24-25 September
Thomas C. Hasbrook to R.P. Alfred, March 24, 1972
Thomas H. Barnett to Mayor Lugar, July 8, 1971