Unigov-Correspondence 1969
94 items found
Robert P. Early to Mayor Lugar, May 5, 1969
Rosemary Adams Huffman, Resume
Statement by Carl R. Dortch to House and Senate Committeeson Affairs of Marion County, February 7, 1969
Summary of Provision of House Bill 1921
The Fallacy of a Referendum
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Mike Quinn, April 17, 1969
Thomas C. Hasbrook to William K. Byrum, July 25, 1969
Thomas C. Hasbrook, Dr. Beurt SerVaas, and Mayor Lugar to Republican Team Member, January 23, 1969
Unified Council of Indianapolis and Marion County Ways and Means Committee Report
UniGov Notes
UniGov Notes
UniGov Notes on Miller's Restaurant placemat
Violette Daye to Mayor Lugar, March 21, 1969
W.R. Cole to Mayor Lugar, August 26, 1969