GOP Politics 1971 Correspondence
171 items found
Indiana Council of Republican Workshops, Inc.
Indianapolis...Indiana House Speaker Otis Bowen...
Jack F. Patterson to L. Keith Bulen, July 27, 1971
Jack Killen to Michael Quinn, July 12, 1971
James B. Young to Mayor Lugar, July 24th
James D. Gardner to Mayor Lugar, November 4, 1971
James H. Wood to Mayor Lugar, February 21, 1971
James T. Morris to All Members of the Mayor's Staff, July 7, 1971
James T. Morris to John Mutz, July 16, 1971
Jerry Sargent to Mayor Lugar, February 4, 1971
Jim Croker to All Precinct Officials of Ward 21-E
John P. Tinder to Mayor Lugar, November 10, 1971
John W. Walls to Harry McDaniel, August 6, 1971
John W. Walls to Jack Killen, July 21, 1971
Joseph W. Disque to Mayor Lugar, August 13, 1971
Kathryn N. Shanks to Mayor Lugar, March 10, 1971
Kurt F. Pantzer to Mayor Lugar, February 10, 1971
Kurt F. Pantzer, Jr. to Robert D. Beckman, Jr., July 22, 1971
L. Keith Bulen to all 14th Ward Precinct Committeemen, June 24, 1971
L. Keith Bulen to all 29th Ward Precinct Committeemen and others, July 26, 1971