39 items found
New American Schools Development Corporation Design Team Community Learning Centers of Minnesota
North Mankato, Minnesota
From Rudy Perpich, August 14, 1990
Economic Impact of Professional Baseball and Football Teams on Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Minneapolis
Address by Lugar, Delivered at the 1972 Minnesota Republican Fund-Raising Dinner
Address by Richard G. Lugar, Mayor of the City of Indianapolis, February 25, 1972
List of State Mayors
David Livingstone to Barbara S. Gole, May 24, 1985
Use of Linkage Strategies in Successful Economic Development Efforts
George Latimer to Mayor Hudnut, August 14, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to George Latimer, September 15, 1989
George Latimer to Mayor Hudnut, August 14, 1989- Original
Mayor Hudnut to George Voinovich, August 31, 1989
The St. Luke Challenge, August 16, 1967
The St. Luke Challenge, June 30, 1965
Legal Arguments Based on Minnesota Law
The St. Luke Challenge, May 22, 1968
The St. Luke Challenge, January 17, 1965
The St. Luke Challenge, March 6, 1968
Sandra J. Hale Biography