60 items found
From Mayor Goldsmith Regarding the 12th Annual Indiana Statewide Payroll Conference
Elaine M. Rody to Mitzi Hurst, July 21, 1997
Indiana Statewide Payroll Conference, September 17-18, 1997
Wm. I. Spencer to George B. Tintera, June 6, 1968
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Alan R. Kimbell
IPD Report of Overtime Worked
David E. Taylor to Lucille Camp, July 25, 1969
Legal Services Organization Financial Statement
Louis E. Drexler to Richard G. Lugar, February 5, 1971
Average Payroll, Garage, Costs, Steel, and Concrete
Marion County Payroll and Retail Trade
Payroll and Retail Sales
Harry R. Gordon and Harold I. Siddall to Division and Department Heads
The Payroll Savings Plan
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission State and Local Government Information
Mike DeFabis to Unigov Directors and Division Heads, August 31, 1973
Personnel Study Committee Minutes, April 23, 1968
Personnel Study Committee Minutes, April 9, 1968
Personnel Study Committee Minutes, August 28, 1968
The Personnel and Manpower Study Committee to The Mayor and the Common Council, June 13, 1968