11 items found
Proclamation, Jazzercise for Leukemia Day, Feb. 28, 1993
Jazzercise News Release
Jazzercise Celebrity to Lead Leukemia Fundraiser
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Handwritten Notes
Leukemia Society's 'Down'Town: To the 'Duckbill' Downs Day_Red Marker
Hallie M. Tripp to Mark Goff, February 12, 1990
Leukemia Society's 'Down'Town: To the 'Duckbill' Downs Day
Leukemia Society Televent Day
Deborah L. Eschenbacher to John Voelz, June 26, 1990
Hallie M. Tripp to Mark Goff, February 12, 1990_Stamp
Leukemia Society's 'Down'Town: To the 'Duckbill' Downs Day, 1989